The University of Tokyo is a Tsukuba Innovation Arena Nanotechnology Center (TIA-nano), where research institutes in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, and industry are working together to implement open innovation (* 1) in the nanotechnology (* 2) domain. ) As a core institution.In the future, we intend to contribute to the creation of innovation in Japan by forming a global research and education base in the field of nanotechnology together with four core institutions such as the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology.

 According to AIST, TIA-nano was established in 2009 by AIST, the National Institute for Materials Science, the University of Tsukuba, and the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization.To date, a total of 4 national projects have been implemented, with 33 companies and more than 200 corporate researchers participating in the projects.Some of them, such as carbon nanotubes (* 1,000), have been put into practical use and companies have started their businesses.We have also promoted human resource development for students and young researchers, mainly in summer schools, and have provided a place with high intellectual stimulation.Until now, the University of Tokyo has been working in collaboration with the four core institutions of TIA-nano individually, but by joining the new core institutions, we will expand our open innovation bases and further focus on collaborative research with industry. I will continue.

 The University of Tokyo not only possesses a huge amount of technology, but also has a large number of excellent human resources.With the participation of the University of Tokyo, the technology lineup that can be provided as a place for open innovation has been enhanced, and it is expected that the attractiveness that makes companies want to collaborate on research will greatly expand.

(* 1) Nanotechnology A technology that manipulates and controls the arrangement of atoms and molecules in nanometers (one millionth of a millimeter) to create substances with structures and properties that are different from existing substances.
(* 2) Open innovation The idea of ​​creating an innovative business model and profiting by making other companies use external development capabilities and intellectual property rights.
(* 3) Carbon nanotubes A combination of "carbon = carbon", "nano = nanometer", and "tube = cylinder", carbon atoms are connected like a mesh to form a cylinder.The diameter is about 5 / 1 of human hair.

Tokyo University

Established in the 10th year of the Meiji era.A university with the longest history in Japan and at the forefront of Japanese knowledge

The University of Tokyo was established in 1877 (Meiji 10) by integrating the Tokyo Kaisei School and the Tokyo Medical School.Since its establishment, it has developed education and research in a unique way in the world as a leading university in Japan and an academic center for the fusion of East and West cultures.As a result, many human resources have been produced in a wide range of fields, and many research achievements […]

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