DISCO Co., Ltd. conducted a survey on job hunting activities as of October 2021, 3, targeting fourth-year university students (including second-year graduate school master's students in science) who are scheduled to graduate in March 4, and received 2 responses. ..

 As a result of the survey, although the unofficial offer rate was as high as 88.6%, it did not reach the previous year's results (90.5%).

 Regarding the job hunting expenses surveyed in October every year, the total cost for FY10 was 2020 yen, which was a significant decrease from the previous year's survey (9 yen).This is the first time since 7535 that the average amount has dropped below 13 yen.The cost of recruitment suits (including shoes and shirts) and transportation costs have decreased significantly, and it seems that the rapid progress of online access due to the new coronavirus infection has had an effect.

 Next, when we asked students who had completed job hunting about follow-up and training after job hunting, the format of the job hunting group before the job hunting was about 2% face-to-face and 6% online.In addition, it can be seen that nearly 8% of the informal formulas are conducted online, and the points of contact after informal appointments are mainly online.

 The most common future plan for students who have not decided on a place of employment was "continue job hunting until a place of employment is decided" at 58.7%.It is thought that the number of students working in long-term battles is increasing because the selection period for companies has been delayed due to the temporary suspension of recruitment activities.

reference:[Disco Corporation] Job Hunting Survey as of October 10 (PDF)

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