The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's expert meeting, which evaluates the facility development plan of the national university and discusses whether to incorporate it into the budget request for 2017, held the first meeting in 2016 at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to select the budget request project. We exchanged opinions on the direction.

 According to the Ministry of Education, after the secretariat reported that "the fourth five-year plan for facility development of national university corporations was decided by the minister, and we will focus on the development that contributes to the enhancement of university functions." Utsunomiya University, Niigata University, and Nagoya University explained as examples of facility maintenance.Utsunomiya University reported on the renovation of the "Science Education and Research Center for Weeds and Satoyama," which is the only wild bird and beast control center in Japan, the expansion of the Central Library at Niigata University, and the renovation of existing facilities at Nagoya University.

 After that, we exchanged opinions on the direction of business selection to be included in the FY2017 budget budget request.The committee members said, "Even though the budget is tight and maintenance costs are low, the area of ​​facilities owned by each university is increasing. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology should clearly instruct the university to promote appropriate facility management." Voice went up.In response, the secretariat replied, "I would like to show the direction at a meeting that gathers facility personnel from each national university corporation."

Nagoya University

Aiming to be a person who has true courage and intellect and can open up the future

Nagoya University is a comprehensive university with 9 faculties, 13 graduate schools, 3 affiliated research institutes, nationwide joint usage, and 5 joint research centers.Through creative research activities, he explores the truth and produces some of the best intellectual achievements in the world.Foster courageous intellectuals with abundant logical thinking and imagination through educational practices that emphasize spontaneity […]

Utsunomiya University

The distance with the teacher is close, and the instruction is thorough and dense.

About 5 students study at Utsunomiya University on a campus full of nature, flowers and greenery.Because it is a compact university, it is possible to build rich relationships between students, as well as faculty and staff, where they can see each other face-to-face.The faculty and staff are close to each and every one of them as the closest counselor, […]

Niigata University

Hone your imagination and creativity and learn true strength at the "base of knowledge" that contributes to the development of the region and the world.

Niigata University is one of the largest comprehensive universities in Japan with 10 faculties.We are developing two distinctive major programs based on the university-wide philosophy of "independence and creation."Through diverse learning and research opportunities, you can hone your imagination and creativity with your peers, and grow into a confident and compassionate person.It's tough […]

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