Kyushu University will cooperate in the construction of an IoT platform through industry-academia collaboration at the IoT experience-based smart hostel "& AND HOSTEL", which will be opened by and factory Co., Ltd. and BIJ Co., Ltd. in early August 2016.

 "& AND HOSTEL", which is scheduled to open in Fukuoka City, a national strategic special zone, is an experience-based accommodation facility where you can enjoy the IoT space of the near future.With the cooperation of companies such as Sony Co., Ltd., which develops cutting-edge IoT devices, guest rooms incorporating 10 types of IoT devices such as the smart key "Qrio Smart Lock" and the robot "BOCCO" that works with smartphones. And a dining cafe.As "Japan's first smart hostel" that gathers individually developed devices in one place, we create value so that the accommodation itself becomes one sightseeing purpose.We anticipate demand for long-term stays mainly for foreigners visiting Japan.

 In the future, with the cooperation of Professor Akira Fukuda of Kyushu University Graduate School, who is conducting wide-ranging and sustainable research in the IoT area, we will collaborate with industry and academia to operate all IoT devices with one application. It is said that it plans to develop.

 "& AND HOSTEL" will also be used as a place for test marketing of IoT technology development, and the user data obtained during the stay will be fed back to the participating manufacturers.We aim to build a new IoT platform and create a business model by collaborating with research institutes, NPOs, and companies based in Fukuoka City, including Kyushu University.

 In collaboration with industry and academia, Professor Fukuda said, "Fukuoka is a national strategic special zone and is the gateway to Japan from Asia. Under such circumstances, this project that utilizes IoT is not only in Japan but also in the world. We highly value it as a place for demonstration experiments that will lead major innovations toward Japan. In addition, industry-academia collaboration is indispensable. I hope that I can make a great contribution, and I am excited from now on. " I'm showing you.

Kyushu University

A university that creates "comprehensive knowledge" that opens up the future and drives social change

Kyushu University is a comprehensive university with 12 faculties and 19 graduate schools.We have been designated as a "designated national university corporation" that can develop outstanding education and research activities of the world's highest level and become an international base.Through “comprehensive knowledge” that combines the “knowledge” of the humanities and social sciences, natural sciences, and design that we have accumulated so far […]

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