It is known that if you do not eat breakfast every day, the risk of obesity increases, but the risk of obesity increases as much as you tend to miss dinner, Associate Professor Ryohei Yamamoto and Professor Toshiki Moriyama of Osaka University Campus Life Health Support Center. It was found in their investigation.It is the first time in the world to clarify the relationship between the frequency of supper intake and obesity.

 The research group followed up the weight changes of 2007 Osaka University students enrolled between 2015 and 2 during the year before and during their enrollment, and analyzed the results.

 According to the report, 1 men answered that they "eat dinner almost every day," of which 7,303, or 10.7%, gained weight.On the other hand, of the 1,857 respondents who answered "sometimes not eaten", "mostly not eaten", and "almost never eaten", 266% of 14.7 respondents gained weight.

 There were 8,502 females who answered that they "eat supper almost every day," but the weight gain was 16.9%, or 1,436.Of the 358 respondents who responded otherwise, 22.9, or 82%, had gained weight.

 The research group analyzed that the risk of obesity caused by not having a daily supper was 1.74 times higher in men and 1.68 times higher in females.The research group cautions that the lifestyle of eating supper every day helps prevent obesity.

Paper information:[Nutrients] Associations of Skipping Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner with Weight Gain and Overweight / Obesity in University Students: A Retrospective Cohort Study

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