Kyoto Sangyo University announced the appointment of Yoshinori Ohsumi, an honorary professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology, who was awarded the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine as an invited professor at the Institute of Protein Dynamics (Director Kazuhiro Nagata).The symposium commemorating the opening of the institute, where he will give a lecture, has been closed due to the large number of applications.

 The Institute for Protein Dynamics was established in April 2016 as an institution to study the role of proteins in living organisms and cells.Well-known researchers active in Japan and overseas, such as Keiji Tanaka, director of the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, and Dr. Richard Morimoto of Northwestern University in the United States, were appointed as invited professors on October 4, 2016.It is said that the request for appointment to Mr. Osumi had been decided before receiving the Nobel Prize.

 The institute's opening commemorative symposium "From the cradle of protein to the graveyard" will be held on October 2016, 10. It consists of two parts, the first part is for researchers, but the second part is for the general public.The application was supposed to be until October 26, 2, but with Mr. Osumi's decision to win the Nobel Prize, there was a flood of applications that exceeded expectations.It has become popular because the application deadline is urgently closed.

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