Keio University Graduate School of Business Administration (Keio University Business School) has signed a joint research agreement with Link and Motivation Co., Ltd.'s research institute "Motivation Engineering Institute" on "organization management using data".Make strategic organizational management recommendations for companies by analyzing and reporting data.

 According to Link and Motivation, the area of ​​human resources has traditionally depended on "intuition and experience", and data utilization has not progressed much.However, he emphasized that the mobility of human resources has increased, the weight of recruiting (recruitment) and retention (maintenance / securing) has increased in corporate personnel, and it is necessary to improve accuracy.It is assumed that "strategic personnel" is required to strategically select personnel that suits the company based on data, based on "operation personnel" that relies on intuition and experience.

 Link and Motivation has been conducting employee motivation surveys, and the "Motivation Cloud", an organizational improvement cloud developed by the company, has accumulated data for about 2,350 companies and 53 people.For this data, we will analyze items that lead to strengthening organizational strength and items that correlate with business performance, as well as analyze and report various data owned by companies.In the future, it plans to analyze individual company data of client companies.The joint research period is from April 29, 4 to March 3, 30.

Keio University

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