Metal tooth coverings used in dental treatment have problems such as metal allergies and deterioration of aesthetics.Recently, the price of metal materials for dental treatment has also risen due to the soaring price of precious metals, and the burden of medical expenses is becoming a problem.

 Therefore, in recent years, a white covering (called a CAD / CAM crown) manufactured by computer control using a dental resin material as a substitute for a precious metal has been applied.However, the CAD / CAM crown insurance coverage is currently limited to premolars and first molars that are in good condition for meshing, and is located at the end of the second molars and dentition where strong occlusal force is applied. Application to first molars has been postponed.The background to this is the lack of evidence regarding the risk of clinical troubles in molar CAD / CAM crowns.

 Under these circumstances, the Tohoku University group investigated the progress of up to 362 years using medical records of 4 molars with CAD / CAM crowns.As a result, 29.3% had clinical troubles, but most of them were detachment of the crown, and most of them could be used as they were by reattachment.If reattachment was allowed, the survival rate was 93.1% and the cumulative survival rate was 3% in 86.5 years (calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method).In addition, it is assumed that there is no significant difference in the risk of clinical troubles in any part of the molars.

 Since the treatment results of the first molar CAD / CAM crown and the second molar CAD / CAM crown were statistically equivalent, the results of this study indicate that the CAD / CAM crown may be applicable to all back teeth. Suggests.In turn, it positively supports the expansion of CAD / CAM crown insurance coverage to all molars. The expansion of CAD / CAM crown indications is expected to help solve problems such as metal allergies, poor appearance, and increased medical costs.

Paper information:[PLOS ONE] Potential complications of CAD / CAM-produced resin composite crowns on molars: A retrospective cohort study over four years

Tohoku University

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