From January 2018, 1, the "High School-University Collaborative Education Working Group" within the Fab Global Society Consortium of Keio University SFC Research Institute began offering "class recipes" to promote information education.There are two types of "class recipes" provided, a lesson plan for college students and a workshop program for high school students, which anyone can use for free.

 The "class recipe" for high school students is "prototyping using digital machines."This is a practical example of the summer program of Fukuoka Gakuba Gakuen, which is accredited by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as a Super Global High School (SGH).From setting familiar issues to proposing ideas as solutions, we perform prototyping using digital machines.By getting feedback from prototypes, we will learn while making connections with the real world.

 The "class recipe" for college students is "Basics of Digital Fabrication".Imitation, application, and prototyping from the basics of digital fabrication for beginners.It is a lecture that consistently experiences problem finding ability, proposal ability, and implementation ability on the basis of practical training-based digital fabrication held at Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus.

 The High School-University Collaborative Education Working Group is a member of Keio University SFC Research Institute, Adobe Systems Co., Ltd., Yamaha Co., Ltd., Trotec Laser Japan Co., Ltd., and a member of the Board of Education and educational institutions. Consists of a committee.The reason for the launch was the survey results announced in June 2017 by one of the members, Adobe Systems. In a survey of students and teachers from 6 to 5 years old in 12 countries (Japan, US, UK, Australia, Germany) about learning, creativity, etc., they answered that they were "creative". 18% of Japanese students (an average of 8% in other countries) and 44% of Japanese teachers who answered that their students were "creative" (an average of 2% in other countries).

 Based on the results of this survey, a high school-university collaborative teaching WG was established with the aim of promoting lessons and problem projects that creatively solve problems through the practical use of cutting-edge information technology and tools, regardless of high school or university subjects.We are developing practical lesson recipes and workshop programs to help students become "creative".

 In 2018, we plan to provide lesson recipes about once a month. "Class recipes" can be obtained free of charge from Fabble, a manufacturing recipe sharing service developed by Keio University and WebDINO Japan.

Keio University

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