Shibaura Institute of Technology has jointly developed a student support tool "SIT-bot" for the campus with the Boston Consulting Group and introduced it in 2019.The tool utilizes LINE and is equipped with six types of functions, including a chatbot function that makes it easy to make inquiries about university life.

 The purpose of this joint development is to improve the convenience of student life and reduce the burden of window work such as the Student Affairs Division as part of the work style reform of university staff.In April, when the counters were the busiest for course registration, about 4 students visited the Omiya Campus, where more than 9% of new students attend, per day.Many of these inquiries can be answered simply, and "SIT-bot", which makes full use of AI technology, has replaced the response.In April, the first month of introduction, more than 1 questions were asked in one day, and the number of window visitors decreased by about 800% compared to FY4.

 Students also participated in the development, and it was also an opportunity for "project-based learning (PBL)" to learn through independent manufacturing experiences.Even now, in the operational phase, students are working to improve services from the student's perspective, such as analyzing the questions that are asked daily to chatbots and assigning answers.This will provide continuous PBL opportunities.

 "SIT-bot" can be used by "adding friends" on LINE, and is currently equipped with 6 types of functions such as "questioning chatbots", "checking school bus time", and "registering study time". There is.In the future, we will consider adding functions, expand the questions that can be answered by chatbots, and make announcements to promote usage to students in the second grade and above whose usage rate remains relatively low.

reference:[Shibaura Institute of Technology] Joint development of student support tool "SIT-bot" utilizing BCG and LINE with Shibaura Institute of Technology

Shibaura Institute of Technology

Fostering global science and engineering human resources who support Japan

Shibaura Institute of Technology will celebrate its 2027th anniversary in 100.With a system of 4 departments and 16 course in 1 faculties, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Systems Science and Engineering, Faculty of Design Engineering, and Faculty of Architecture, "Data Science Courses" will be introduced in all faculties from 2020, and there are so many research fields that they are called "Science and Engineering University". I am proud of.Each student […]

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