List of articles of Kyoto University

Kyoto University suggests individualization of Japanese culture from newborn baby names

 By analyzing the changes in newborn names over time, Kyoto University demonstrates that Japanese culture is transforming into an individualist culture that emphasizes individuality […].

Kyoto University To prevent liver cirrhosis Discover cells that control liver inflammation

A group of Associate Professor Tomoko Fujita and Professor Shu Narumiya of Kyoto University is involved in the inflammation seen in hepatitis in which hepatic stellate cells present in the liver at a rate of 5% […].

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology subsidizes heavy rain disaster investigation at Kyoto University

Due to the heavy rain disaster that struck the Kanto and Tohoku regions in September, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is promoting disaster scale and countermeasures led by Professor Shigenobu Tanaka of Kyoto University […]

Road to AIDS radical cure such as Kyushu University

 A person who quantifies the mode of HIV infection through joint research by Professor Shingo Iwami of Kyushu University, Professor Yoshio Koyanagi of Kyoto University, and Professor Kazuyuki Aihara of the University of Tokyo […]

Kyoto University holds "Kyoto University Weeks 11" until November 7th

 Every year, the week from November 11st to 1th is "Education and Culture Week".During the period, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Board of Education will play a central role in various parts of the country […]

Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University Manipulates the brain with light

 Professor Masahiko Takada of Kyoto University, Professor Masayuki Matsumoto of University of Tsukuba and others target by irradiating a part of the complicated brain neural circuit of primates with light […]

Applying natural language, dissatisfied purchase center and marketing support research-Kyoto University

Kyoto University aims to "apply the latest natural language processing technology to business" with the Dissatisfaction Purchase Center Co., Ltd., which manages consumer dissatisfaction survey data […]

Kumamoto University, Kyoto University, etc. KUMADAI Magnesium alloy formation mechanism

 Kumamoto University, Kyoto University, Osaka University, and Nagoya University have jointly elucidated the formation mechanism of the world's strongest KUMADAI magnesium alloy.Past […]

Development of "super-realistic telework system" with innovative 3D images such as Kyoto University

Kyoto University, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Rissho University, Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, President Hideichi Kawasaki), NEC (Tokyo, President Nobuhiro Endo), […]