List of articles on brain science

Cooperation with Bandai in the development of educational toys at Keio University

 Keio University is collaborating with Hitachi High-Technology and Hitachi, Ltd. on Bandai's new educational toy "Anpanman grows kindness" […]

Tohoku University Elucidating the mechanism of brain activity in walking smartphones Pointing out the difference between young people and the elderly

 A group of instructors Naoyuki Takeuchi of the Department of Rehabilitation for the Physically Handicapped at Tohoku University Hospital has a smart phone for left and right brain activity while walking on a smartphone […]

Gender differences in budgerigar vocal behavior and brain working style Kitasato University, Japan Women's University

 The research group of Ryohei Sato of Kitasato University and Hiroko Fujiwara of the former Faculty of Science, Japan Women's University (currently Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Human Arts and Sciences) is Sekisei […]

Kyoto University succeeds by reading a map that comes to mind from brain waves

 A group of Professor Nobu Ishii of the Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, worked on a maze game in collaboration with the Institute for International Telecommunications Basic Technology […]

National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Nagoya University Elucidating the function of the brain when humans stare at each other

The research groups of Professor Norihiro Sadato of the National Institute for Physiological Sciences and Professor Hiroki Tanabe of Nagoya University pay attention to each other when humans are staring at others […].

The University of Tokyo jointly researches the world's first "second language acquisition" brain mechanism

 The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of the University of Tokyo is one of the world's largest private educational institutions, "EF Education F […], which develops study abroad and language education businesses.

Toyohashi University of Technology Measuring sympathetic brain waves for robot pain

 The joint research team consisting of Associate Professor Mitsuaki Kitazaki of the Department of Information and Intelligent Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology and Professor Shoji Itakura of the Psychology Laboratory, Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University is in pain […]

Elucidation of learning mechanism using knockout crickets from Hokkaido University

The group of Professor Makoto Mizunami of Hokkaido University is a joint research with the group of Assistant Professor Taro Mito of Tokushima University, and the genome edition called Crisper Cass 9 […]

Keep your brain young with exercise University of Tsukuba, Chuo University

 A joint research group of Professor Hideaki Seiya of the University of Tsukuba and Professor Ippeita Dan of Chuo University found that people with higher physical endurance have higher cognitive function in old age. […]

Discovered a brain mechanism that avoids unpleasant things such as University of Tsukuba

 Professor Takatsugu Kawai of University of Tsukuba, Professor Masayuki Matsumoto, Professor Nobuya Sato of Kwansei Gakuin University, Professor Masahiko Takada of Kyoto University and others learned that animals are disgusting […]
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