Mynavi Corporation announced the results of the "2017 Survey on Job Hunting Activities for Mynavi Graduates" targeting graduates registered on the "Mynavi 2016" job hunting and employment information site for new graduates.

 The "Survey on Job Hunting for Mynavi Graduates" has been conducted since 2012, and this is the fifth time.The survey was conducted on 5 job hunters (= graduates) who have already graduated from universities, graduate schools, etc. among the members registered in "Mynavi 2017" operated by Mynavi, and the number of valid responses collected. There are 32,026 people (356 liberal arts boys, 178 science boys, 59 liberal arts girls, 94 science girls).

 According to the survey, 76.1% of the graduates who "have been looking for a job while still in school" and 23.9% of those who have "not been active" have been active in school, which is about 2015 people as in 4. One responded that he did not engage in activities while in school.On the other hand, it was found that the number of graduates who got a job offer after activities while attending school was 1%, an increase of 37.2 points from 2015, and it is increasing year by year.

 When asked about the circumstances of job hunting again for graduates who had obtained a job offer while attending school, 37.6% said that they had found a job once, but have retired or are still looking for a job. It increased by 2015 points from the previous year, the highest number in the past five years.For this reason, while "treatment of new graduates for three years after graduation" has become established in general, the number of job hunters and incumbents who are looking for new graduates again within the framework of new graduate recruitment is increasing. The result shows that the image of "undecided person" is changing.

 The job offer rate after graduation is 2015%, an increase of 1.8 points compared to 45.0, but there is a big difference from the 77.5% job offer rate of active students who are still in school at the same time.Looking at the number of employees who have been offered a job offer, the total number of employees with "1,000 or more" increased by 2015 points from FY2.4 to 41.4%, showing a slight improvement.The main informal industries are "Government" (7.8%) and "Software Internet" (7.4%).Details of the survey results are available on the recruitment support net.

Reference: [Mynavi Corporation] Announced "2016 Survey on Job Hunting for Mynavi Graduates"

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