A research group led by Professor Hiroshi Kawasaki and Associate Professor Yohei Shinmei of the Department of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University, has used the latest genome editing technology to explain a part of the mechanism of brain wrinkles that was difficult to analyze until now. It was revealed ahead of the rest of the world.This research result was published in the online version of the American scientific paper "Cell Reports" on August 2017, 8.

 Wrinkles (gyrus) existing on the surface of the human brain are considered to be extremely important for the enhancement of brain function, but until now, the mechanism by which gyrus can be performed has been a mystery.One of the reasons is that it was difficult to study the gyrus because the mouse brain, which is often used in medical research, does not have a gyrus.

 Therefore, the research group has developed its own research technology using higher mammalian ferrets with developed brains similar to humans, instead of mice.This time, the group uses the latest genome editing technology to selectively destroy targeted sites in the genome, and that nerve cells located near the surface of the cerebral cortex are important for making gyrus. It was clarified that it is important for the gene Cdk5 to work.

 Humans have a disease with abnormal gyrus, but little is known about the mechanism of its onset.This result is expected to be a breakthrough in elucidating the pathophysiology of human diseases.

Paper information:[Cell Reports] Folding of the Cerebral Cortex Requires Cdk5 in Upper-Layer Neurons in Gyrencephalic Mammals

Kanazawa University

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