Rikkyo University has decided to change the class hours from the conventional 2019 minutes to 90 minutes from 100.The target is all faculties and graduate schools, and the aim is to enable flexible class development by faculty members and to secure time for students to study abroad, volunteer activities, and extracurricular activities.

 According to Rikkyo University, as the class hours are extended by 10 minutes, the start of the first period will be advanced from 1 am to 9:8 am, and the class timetable will be completely reviewed.The 50th period, which was set from 8 pm, will disappear.With the change of the timetable, the policy is to review the opening hours of various windows for students and the opening hours of facilities.It will be applied from the spring semester of 7.

 Rikkyo University is working on academic reforms throughout the university with the aim of internationalizing the university, practicing active learning, and deepening the learning system based on real-world experiences. Classes are more attractive as we have reached a major turning point, such as the adoption of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for "Support for the Creation of Top Global University Project" in 2014, and the start of the bachelor's program integration program "Rikkyo Learning Style" in 2016. In addition to raising the independence and interest of the students, we decided to review the class hours with the time to devote ourselves to activities other than the class in mind.

reference:[Rikkyo University] Class hours will be changed to 2019 minutes each time from 100

Rikkyo University

Acquire "new" global leadership with "RIKKYO Learning Style"

Since its founding in 1874, Rikkyo University has practiced liberal arts education that fosters internationality and leadership.Currently, we have 10 faculties, 27 departments, 8 specializations and 1 course.With abundance of mind and leadership, we can respond to global issues and social demands, and discover and solve issues from a broad perspective […]

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