A joint research group consisting of Sophia University, Aoyama Gakuin University, Chuo University, and Bond University (Australia) found that when a background image associated with "coldness" is used in a new product advertisement, the perception of "newness" increases. It revealed that.

 Background images play an important role in advertising images, which are related to consumers' perception of newness of products.Previous studies have shown that ambiguity (difficulty in clearly evaluating product features) is one of the factors that make consumers feel that a product is new, but the details remain unknown. was.

 After seeing actual car advertisements, the research group hypothesized that advertising creators and consumers unconsciously associate "coldness" with "newness."For verification, we worked to clarify the relationship between the sense of warmth conveyed by the background image of the advertisement and the perception of newness to the advertised product.

 As a result, it was shown that placing a background image (such as a photograph of a snowy landscape) that is associated with coldness in the advertisement enhances the perception of newness of the advertised product.It was found that this was because the coldness was associated with a psychological distance from the advertised product, and the ambiguity of the product was recalled therefrom.

 In addition, the effect predicted by the hypothesis was more likely to appear when the appearance of the advertising product was modern, and the effect disappeared when the appearance of the advertising product was antique.Furthermore, the perception of novelty induced by background images increased consumers' product ratings when they planned to purchase the advertised product in the distant future, and decreased it when they planned to purchase it in the near future. .

 Further development of this research is expected to contribute to the development of effective advertising communication that creates innovative images for products and companies.

Paper information:[Journal of Business Research] The temperature of newness: How vision–temperature correspondence in advertising influences newness perception and product evaluation

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