Kansai University and the Kansai University Education Supporters' Association will hold a regular general meeting of the education supporters' association and a faculty-specific educational gathering on May 5 (Sun) at Senriyama Campus.

 The Kansai University Educational Supporters' Association is a parent's association that operates with the slogan of ``a heart-to-heart bridge between the university and home'', with the main objectives of supporting educational projects and fostering mutual friendship among members.Established in 1947, it was the first in Japan to hold a general meeting every year. About 2022 parents from all over Japan will participate in the 5,000 general meeting, and more are expected to participate in 2023.This number is one of the largest in the country, and the number of participants in the parent's association throughout the year has always been ranked number one in the country according to a survey published in the past in the "University Ranking" published by Asahi Shimbun Publishing.Participating parents have been well received for not only being able to directly hear about their children's studies and student life from teachers, but also being able to experience campus life for themselves.

 After the general meeting, briefing sessions and individual consultation sessions will be held for each faculty regarding educational content.In addition, as common events, in addition to setting up various individual consultation corners for employment, qualification acquisition, and student life in general, performances by student groups, tours of athletic club practices, and joint exhibitions held by Tottori Prefecture and the Kansai University Museum will be held.In addition, at the joint exhibition held by Tottori Prefecture and the Kansai University Museum, Mr. Tatsuhiko Hamada, a graduate of Kansai University (Cultural Property Bureau, Tottori Prefecture Regional Development Promotion Department), is involved in research on Yayoi excavated from the Aoya Kamiterachi ruins in Tottori Prefecture. A Yayoi Aoya restored from human bones is on display.On the day of the event, Mr. Masahiro Yoshida, the first generation Yayoi Aotani lookalike Grand Prix, will visit the museum to convey the charm of the Yayoi period.

Reference: [Kansai University] Distribute the press release "Education supporters' association general meeting & undergraduate education round-table conference held"

Kansai University

Open up the future with the power to think and create new value

Kansai University, which has a history of 138 years, celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2022 as a university promotion and advocating the "realization of learning".It is a comprehensive university with 13 faculties that pursues specialization deeply, explores knowledge with curiosity, and expands one's learning.Strong trying to overcome difficulties and open up the future in a society with increasing uncertainty […]

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