A research team led by Rakuto Chiba (national champion Tsugaru shamisen player) of Keio University Graduate School confirmed the interaction between the quality of the performer and visual/auditory stimuli.In classical piano, visual judgment is dominant in the evaluation of top performers, and in Tsugaru Shamisen, auditory judgment is dominant in the evaluation of top and bottom performers.

 While some studies have focused on Western music, visual information plays a strong role, whereas auditory information has been considered important in Tsugaru shamisen.In order to explore which senses the evaluation of music performance depends on, the research team investigated the quality of performers (1st and 2nd place, 1st and lower ranks) and the viewing conditions of videos (video We set up an experimental design that controlled only voice and voice), and conducted an online experiment in which 155 Japanese participants judged the winner.

 Experimental results confirmed an interaction between relative performer quality and visual/auditory stimuli, and this interaction was found to be common across cultures.Also, when the difference in quality between classical piano players is small (1st and 2nd place), visual perception is dominant in the evaluation, Hearing was dominant.On the other hand, no visual or auditory superiority was found in the evaluation of the 1st and 1nd place in classical piano and the 1st and 2nd place in Tsugaru shamisen.We found that there is a cultural factor in the balance between sight and hearing in judging musical performances.

 This research adds a cross-modal (audio/visual) dimension to the new system of intercultural music cognition, and explores the cross-cultural universality and cultural dependence of music cognition in the important application domain of performance evaluation. It provides evidence for the complex interactions between sexes.

Paper information:【Collabra: Psychology】Sight vs. sound judgments of music performance depend on relative performerquality: Cross-cultural evidence from classical piano and Tsugaru shamisencompetitions

Keio University

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