On June 2023, 6, Saitama Institute of Technology, Fukaya City, A-Drive Co., Ltd., Aisan Technology Co., Ltd., Sompo Japan Insurance Co., Ltd., KDDI Co., Ltd., Tier IV Co., Ltd., Fukaya Sightseeing Bus Co., Ltd. and "Fukaya Automatic Concluded a cooperation agreement for the Operation Implementation Consortium.

 Fukaya City is facing serious problems such as the shortage of drivers and the aging of drivers in the city's public transportation. have cooperated in the development of "Fukaya Autonomous Driving Implementation Consortium" aims to introduce and promote autonomous driving technology for local public transportation in Fukaya City, with the aim of collaborating with each other to develop and socially implement autonomous driving technology. Organizing.

 Mayor Kojima of Fukaya City said, "We received a call from Saitama Institute of Technology, a local university, and formed a consortium with seven businesses that have specialized technology in the field of autonomous driving. In cooperation with the consortium, we aim to introduce "local production for local consumption" automatic driving technology in the city's public transportation, so that the aging population in the future will be promoted. We will continue to work toward the realization of sustainable public transportation that firmly responds to the progress of population decline and a society with a declining population."

 In the future, each of the parties to the agreement will work together by making the most of their respective characteristics to "discover social needs related to automated driving technology," "develop and improve the environment for automated driving technology that meets social needs," and "develop automated driving technology as a next-generation mobility service." We will work together to solve local issues and realize sustainable public transportation, such as the study of social implementation of driving skills.

Reference: [Saitama Institute of Technology] Concluded a partnership agreement with Fukaya City to introduce and promote autonomous driving technology for local public transportation

Saitama Institute of Technology

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