The "Happy Robot Team" of the Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Department of Robotics, Demura Laboratory participated in the world's largest robot and artificial intelligence competition "RoboCup 2023" held in Bordeaux, France from July 7th to 6th, 9. , Achieved the second place in the world at @Home Education Workshop and Challenge 2023 (@Home Edu).

 "RoboCup" is the world's largest robot competition to promote the research and development of artificial intelligence and robots.26 competitors and 45 participants from 2500 countries participated in this 15000th competition.From Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Yusuke Kanazawa, 4th year robotics student, Maki Onishi, 1st year student Kanade Yamazaki, and professor Kiminari Demura from the robotics department participated as the Happy Robot Team.

 "@Home Edu", in which the Happy Robot team participated, is a competition focused on education in the @Home League, which aims to develop technology for life support robots that will help people in their homes in the near future.Two teams from China, one team from Spain, France, Italy and Egypt, and eight teams from Japan, Kanazawa Institute of Technology and Ritsumeikan University, participated.

 The competition is based on the total score of Stage 1 and Stage 2 (Final). In Stage 1, there is a competition in which the robot helps the owner carry luggage to the car parked outside, and a competition in which the robot knows only the name of the customer. In order to do so, we collect various information about party guests and hold a competition to convey it to the master. Stage 2 was a competition in which the robots they developed were presented with a narrative demonstration. The Happy Robot team demonstrated a story in which the robot reconciled the "married couple quarrel" of their supervisor, Professor Demura. .

[Competition results (overall ranking)]
1st place Try Forever (Macau Pui Ching Middle School) Private middle school in China
2nd place Happy Robot (Kanazawa Institute of Technology)
3rd place FAMBOT (Macau Pui Ching Middle School) Chinese private middle school
4th place Stress Overflow (Rey Juan Carlos University) Public research university in Spain
5th Lycee Daguin (Lycee Fernand Daguin) French high school

Reference: [Kanazawa Institute of Technology] [Equipped with Deep Learning Transformer, which is the core technology of ChatGPT] Second place in RoboCup 2023, the world's largest robot competition held in Bordeaux, France.Demura Laboratory, Happy Robot Team, Department of Robotics

Kanazawa Institute of Technology

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