The school corporation Gakushuin has decided to integrate Gakushuin Women's College, which it operates, into Gakushuin University.With the intention of integrating as early as 2026, preparations are underway to apply for approval for establishment while consulting with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

 According to the school corporation Gakushuin, Gakushuin Women's University has one faculty of international cultural exchange and will be incorporated into Gakushuin University, which has five faculties of law, economics, literature, science, and international social sciences.At Gakushuin Women's University, the number of applicants was declining in the midst of what was said to be the "women's college winter era."

 Gakushuin's president, Yoeiichi, explains on the website, ``We want to integrate the educational achievements cultivated at Gakushuin Women's College into Gakushuin University and increase synergy.'' It seems that there is also one side.

 Gakushuin Women's College was established in 1950 as the Gakushuin University Junior College Division and changed its name to Gakushuin Women's Junior College in 1953. In 1998, it was reorganized into a fourth-year women's university, and has gained popularity as a middle-ranking private women's university.

 Gakushuin originated as an educational institution for court nobles established in Kyoto at the end of the Edo period.Before the war, it was a government school under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Household Ministry (at that time), but after the war it was revived as a private school, and Gakushuin University opened in 1877.As of the end of May, there are 1949 undergraduate students at Gakushuin University and 5 at Gakushuin Women's College.

reference:[Gakushuin Educational Corporation] Integration of Gakushuin Women's College into Gakushuin University

Gakushuin University

"The ability to learn opens up the future" All faculties and departments gather on one campus

With the educational goal of "a broad perspective, strong creativity, and abundant sensitivity," we provide education that organically connects basic education in a broad sense and diverse specialized education in both fields of literature and science, while respecting the individuality of students.Fostering human resources who have the ability to discover issues on their own and propose and execute the measures necessary to solve them […]

Gakushuin Women's University

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