Saitama Institute of Technology is the vehicle provider for the Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Urban Development's ``5 Reiwa XNUMX Survey on Urban Development for an Autonomous Driving Society'' (entrusted by Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd.). Participate in bus operations.This is the first time that Saitama Institute of Technology's large self-driving bus will be running on public roads in Tokyo.

 Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd. will handle the overall operation and management of this service, and Keio Bus Co., Ltd. will be the operator.The vehicle provided by Saitama Institute of Technology is a self-driving bus based on the Hino Rainbow II, a medium-sized route bus developed by Saitama Institute of Technology's Autonomous Driving Technology Development Center and has a total length of 9 meters.The vehicle operates at "Level 50 Autonomous Driving," which refers to partial driving automation, at speeds below the legal speed of 2 km/h.While the passenger in the vehicle monitors the surrounding area, the system performs some driving operations related to both front, rear, and side vehicle control in a hands-free situation.

 The running period will be a total of 2023 days from October 10nd (Monday) to October 2th (Friday), 10, excluding October 13th (Thursday) and October 10th (Tuesday).The course is the same route as the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building Circulation (CH5), starting at Shinjuku Station West Exit (underground) and passing through Shinjuku Fukutoshin No. 10 Street, approximately 10 km to Shinjuku Station West Exit (underground).There will be a total of 10 flights every 01 minutes between 2.0:10 and 16:32 on weekdays, and 12 flights every 13 minutes between 16:30 and 5:XNUMX on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

 The fare for this service is free.To board the train, you will need to register and make a reservation in advance through TAMa-GO, a service operated by Keio Electric Railway.

Reference: [Saitama Institute of Technology] Self-driving buses will run in the Saitama Institute of Technology and Nishi-Shinjuku areas

Saitama Institute of Technology

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Based on the philosophy of "fusion and harmony between technology and humanity" and the spirit of founding based on the Buddhist spirit, we are training human resources such as engineers and practitioners who can contribute to society as the core of society.In the 2 faculties and 5 departments of the Faculty of Human and Social Studies and the Faculty of Engineering, the educational team with rich individuality is finely tuned and polite […]

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