In the studio fire incident of the animation production company "Kyoto Animation" in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Seika University revived Kyoto Animation and inherited the animation culture at the Kyoto Seika University Main Building in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto and the Kyoto International Manga Museum in Chukyo-ku, Kyoto. Started the purpose of fund-raising activities.Specific donation destinations will be announced in the future.

 According to Kyoto Seika University, the university has a department of animation in the Faculty of Manga, which not only promotes wide-ranging education and research on visual expression, but also operates the Kyoto International Manga Museum in collaboration with Kyoto City.In addition, several graduates are advancing to Kyoto Animation.

 For this reason, President Oussouby Sacko announced a comment saying, "We would like to express our deepest condolences and sympathies to the victims, and we cannot help but feel deep sadness and resentment due to their unreasonableness."The donation box is located in the main building of the university, but we are considering another donation solicitation in the future.

 According to the investigation by the Kyoto Prefectural Police, it is believed that the criminal sprinkled gasoline on the first floor and set the fire on the morning of the 18th in the arson incident of Kyoto Animation.It is said that there were about 1 people in the studio at that time, of which 70 were killed and 34 were injured.A man who seems to have set fire is also being treated in Osaka prefecture in a serious condition that could be life-threatening due to burns on his limbs.

 Kyoto Animation is known by the nickname of Kyoto Animation, and has produced popular anime such as "K-ON!" And "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya."

reference:[Kyoto Seika University] About "Kyoto Animation" fire

Kyoto Seika University

Learn "people who change the world with expression" at the Faculty of International Culture, Media Expression, Art, Design, and Manga

Kyoto Seika University, which boasts a history of more than 50 years, has been opened with the principles of "respect for human beings" and "free autonomy" since its foundation.It started as a place for people to recognize diverse values ​​and learn from each other regardless of differences in country, region, race, gender, or faith.Each person develops his or her individuality, develops a specialized field, and has new value for society […]

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