On December 2019, 12, the Japan Study Abroad Association (JAOS) announced the results of the "Survey on the Number of Japanese International Students 11".

 JAOS is an organization consisting of 72 organizations such as private study abroad businesses and overseas government agencies, and surveys the number of Japanese international students every year for study abroad businesses.It is characterized by providing statistical data on the number of international students including not only university students but also working adults and elementary, junior high and high school students.According to this survey and statistics such as JASSO, the annual number of Japanese students is about 20. It is estimated that.

 As a result of the survey in August 2019, the annual number of international students in 8 (January 42, 2018 to December 2018, 1) among 1 JAOS member study abroad companies is 2018.In particular, the number of Japanese students studying in the United States has been declining for the third consecutive year, and this time it is also on a slight decline to 12, continuing from 31. A similar tendency is seen in the IIE (International Education Association) survey, and it seems that the number of international students to the United States is decreasing worldwide due to the visa-related regulations for foreigners by President Trump.

 On the other hand, the total number of international students is increasing, with Canada in North America, the Philippines, which overtook the United Kingdom in 2018 to become the fourth largest study abroad destination in Asia, and Malta and Ireland in Europe.In particular, the Philippines may be on a par with Australia, which is currently the second largest, and Canada, which is the third largest, in the next few years.

 For the purpose of studying abroad, language study abroad is the fastest growing compared to 2018. Not only short-term study abroad for less than 3 months, but also long-term study abroad at the timing of leave of absence or career change is increasing, and the background is that the English proficiency required for hiring new graduates and raising the salary of managers at companies is increasing. It is said that it can be mentioned.

Reference: [value press] A drastic change from the strongest era of studying in the United States.The number of Japanese students has increased compared to last year- "Survey on the number of Japanese students by the Japan Study Abroad Association (JAOS) 2019" survey report-

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