On May 2020, 5, the Japan Society for Education issued a statement calling for careful social debate, avoiding the hasty decision of "September admission / starting work" that is being considered for introduction.

 Due to the prolonged school closure due to the new coronavirus, the National Governors' Association requested the government to consider introducing September admission on April 4.Prime Minister Abe replied in the Diet that he would "consider it as one of the options," and it was reported that he would show some direction in early June.

 In response to this, the Japan Society for Education issued a statement. It requires time-consuming and polite social debate about admission and start-up in September, and urged the government not to decide to introduce it quickly.At the same time, he requested that effective measures be taken as soon as possible to respond to the anxieties and worries of children, parents, and faculty members due to school closure.

 In addition, the statement pointed out that the introduction of September admission and start-up work may further confuse and worsen the situation, and there are many doubts about its effectiveness in correcting the academic inequality. Assuming that the tuition gap for the five months from April to August caused by the introduction of September enrollment and start-up will be close to 9 trillion yen at private universities alone, who will bear this, graduating in August (July) In that case, he showed the problem of what happens to the employment of high school and university students.

 The Japan Society for Education will set up a special committee to identify issues to be examined and will publish urgent proposals in the near future.

Reference: [Japan Society for Education] Avoid the hasty decision of "September matriculation argument" and call for careful social discussion.

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