The National Institute of Science and Technology Policy has conducted a continuous awareness survey "NISTEP Fixed Point Survey" for first-class researchers and experts for five years from 2011 in order to grasp the changes in the situation of science and technology and innovation in Japan. The results have been announced.


 According to the survey, the answer that the situation was the best in five years was "ease of use of Kakenhi", followed by "cultivation and securing of specialized human resources engaged in work to smoothly carry out research activities". The situation was. "

 On the other hand, the sense of crisis about the foundation of research activities (human resources, environment, basic research) at universities and public research institutes has increased, and "basic expenses for carrying out basic activities related to research and development" and the future. It was pointed out that "diversity and originality of basic research" as a source of traditional innovation is not sufficient.In addition, the number one factor that hinders the spread of the effects of science and technology innovation policies is that "measures are being implemented on a one-off basis, there is no continuity, and the effects have not spread sufficiently." Was given.

 At present, Japan's science and technology level and industrial competitiveness are recognized to be higher than those of developed countries in Asia, but Japan's superiority is declining compared to five years ago. Was also shown.The detailed survey results of this "NISTEP Fixed Point Survey" are posted on the website of the National Institute of Science and Technology Policy.

Reference: [National Institute of Science and Technology Policy] Regarding the publication of the results of "Comprehensive Awareness Survey on the Situation of Science and Technology (NISTEP Fixed Point Survey 2015)" [NISTEP REPORT No.166, 167] (PDF)

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