A summer-only menu has appeared at Tokyo Summerland from Saturday, July 2022, 7.Jissen Women's University and Jissen Women's Junior College Department cooperated in product development, and the newly developed "Cassata Ice Sand" was added to the popular "Acai Parfait" sold in the summer of 23.

 In March 2019, Jissen Women's University, Jissen Women's College Junior College Department and Tokyo Summerland Co., Ltd. concluded a comprehensive partnership agreement.Jissen Women's University's "Research on increasing the number of customers and sales in all seasons of Tokyo Summerland and improving customer satisfaction" was the trigger, and we aim to further develop that relationship.

 The development of this summer-only menu was commissioned by Tokyo Summerland, and a seminar led by Associate Professor Yuko Nakagawa, Department of Dietary Life Science, Faculty of Life Science, Jissen Women's University, worked on commercialization. In July 2021, the first two items, “Acai Parfait” and “Summer lemonade,” will be sold, and in February 7, a kick-off meeting will be held for the second limited menu sale.Students belonging to the Nakagawa seminar and a female employee of Tokyo Summerland (hereinafter referred to as a female PT) formed a project team, with the theme of "a menu that she wants to eat by the pool and Instagrammable". We made the most of it and proceeded with the development.

 In March 2022, an online presentation of new menu candidates will be held.In consultation with the female PT, the Italian sweets "Cassata" was decided.After repeated tasting sessions, the product was finally commercialized. "Cassata Ice Sand" is a set of two, blueberry flavor and mixed berry flavor, for 3 yen including tax.The high-protein cassata, made with cheese and Greek yogurt, is sandwiched between cookies and is easy to eat with one hand.

In addition, the acai parfait, which was popular last time, will be improved and resold.A multi-layer structure with a base of acai rich in polyphenols and iron, layered with granola, coconut and banana-flavored whipped cream.This is also 500 yen including tax.Both menus will be offered in special packages with student-designed logo stickers.

Reference: [Jissen Women's University] Jissen Women's University and Tokyo Summer Land are the second industry-university collaboration!Two types of summer limited menus will be sold at the amusement park from the 2rd (Sat) — In addition to the popular “Acai Parfait” last summer, “Cassata” will join the ranks 

Jissen Women's University

Practical education that fosters kindness and strength.To the power to support people and society

Jissen Women's University advocates the educational philosophy of "cultivating women who can be dignified and self-employed," and fosters independent women who have the ability to play an active role in society. We offer practical learning that suits the times at two campuses, "Shibuya in the city center" and "Hino, which is rich in nature."There are few exercises (seminars), experiments, practical training, etc. […]

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