List of articles for university entrance exams

Meiji University School of Global Japanese Studies will stop recruiting students through the English Track Entrance Exam (April admission) from the 2026 academic year and will increase the number of students recommended by designated schools by 4.

 Meiji University's School of Global Japanese Studies will be introducing the "English Track" course, which allows students to earn a degree entirely through lectures in English, from the 2026 entrance exam.

Okayama University to stop accepting applications for night-time courses in the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics from 2026

 Okayama University will stop accepting applications for night courses in the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics from the 2026 academic year and integrate them into day courses. Distance education and online education […]

Niigata University announces establishment of new female quota in the Faculty of Engineering and new DX co-creation course in the Faculty of Creative Studies from 2025

 Niigata University has been selected as a recipient of the second University and College of Technology Strengthening Support Project (Support 2), and will be providing support for the Graduate School of Science and Technology and the Master's Program in Electrical Engineering from 2025.

Yamada Shintaro D&I Foundation launches "Girls Meet STEM College" for junior and senior high school girls, with 24 universities nationwide participating, including Aoyama Gakuin University

 The Yamada Shintaro D&I Foundation, a public interest incorporated foundation, is collaborating with 24 universities across the country, including Aoyama Gakuin University, Keio University, and Nagoya University, to promote diversity and inclusion among junior and senior high school girls.

Kinki University Faculty of Economics to Establish "Comprehensive Selection (Entrepreneurial-oriented)" for 2025 Entrance Exams

 Kindai University will establish a comprehensive selection process for students who wish to start their own businesses in the Faculty of Economics in 2025. Successful applicants will be able to participate in an entrepreneurial support program before enrollment.

Daito Bunka University to introduce school recommendation-based selection (open application system, basic academic ability test type) from the 2025 entrance exam

 Daito Bunka University will implement a new "School Recommendation Selection (Open Application Basic Academic Ability Test Type)" from the 2025 entrance examination. The selection will be based on the average grade point average, etc.

Kochi University Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Marine Sciences Department of Agricultural and Forestry Resource Sciences to increase enrollment capacity by applying special provisions from 2025

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has granted the Kochi University Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Marine Sciences Department of Agricultural and Forestry Resource Sciences an exception to allow local national universities to increase their enrollment quotas in order to create attractive local universities.

Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology to Introduce New AO Admissions Method in 2025, Emphasizing "Strength of Interest in Academic Fields"

 Starting in 2025, Keio University's Faculty of Science and Technology will adopt a new AO entrance examination system that places emphasis on the strength of interest in electrical and information engineering, mathematics, and chemistry. Each […]

Adachi Mirai Seminar, a free cram school for high school students set up by Adachi Ward, starts second batch of students to get into top universities

 Adachi Ward in Tokyo has opened a free cram school to support high school students who are trying to get into top universities but cannot attend cram schools or prep schools due to family circumstances. […]

University of Hyogo to reorganize Faculty of Engineering and change admission selection process (under planning) from 2026

 The University of Hyogo will reorganize its Faculty of Engineering from April 2026, changing from the current three departments and six courses to one department and five courses, with a focus on specialized fields.
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