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Hitotsubashi University - Faculty of Social Data Science aims to train generalists who can master both social science and data science

The present age is called “the era of big data”.Human resources who have acquired the basics of data science, which creates new value from huge amounts of data, are now […]

Kyoto Tachibana University-The power of digital natives drives the industrial world Information science and industry-academia collaboration project to give shape to "I wish it could be like this"

Kyoto Tachibana University is based on the Kyoto Women's Handicraft School founded in 1902.After many reforms, it is now a comprehensive institution of 9 faculties and 15 departments with fields of humanities, science and medicine […]

Toyama Prefectural University-Establishment of a new faculty covering everything from mathematics to application, to develop IT human resources in collaboration with the region

As the digitization of society progresses rapidly, it is an urgent task for universities to develop IT human resources who will be responsible for it.In particular, the most important area, “mathematics and data […]

The choice of a doctoral program open to the world and society

With the spirit of Shishukan in mind, I aim to become an international and interdisciplinary person (a global leader in the fusion of the humanities and sciences) who creates value that only I can create.

From 2024, the curriculum of Doshisha University-Faculty of Culture and Information Studies will be renewed to clarify cross-disciplinary and inquiry-based learning.Developing Human Resources with Comprehensive Knowledge

The Faculty of Culture and Information Studies, Doshisha University, which studies culture using data science. Since the opening of the department in 2005, we have been promoting learning that integrates the humanities and sciences ahead of the times […]

Numerical confirmation of local orientation, local university enrollment rate as seen in basic school survey

Recently, due to the influence of the corona disaster, it is said that university students have a strong local orientation.However, there are cases where there are few universities in the local area, so […]

Shiga University ~ Pioneer of Japan's first data science department.Achieve results in the development of highly skilled human resources who create "new value" by making full use of data

In 2017, Shiga University established Japan's first data science faculty.Data science is about extracting “value” from huge amounts of data […]

Application requirements include completion of a prescribed study program, the nation's first new AO selection attracting attention - Ritsumeikan University

Ritsumeikan University has started AO selection from the 2023 entrance examination, with the completion of a study program designated by the faculty as an application requirement.Developmental at university […]

Kyoto Sangyo University - Providing flexible employment support that matches the individuality and timing of each student, and sending out human resources who can think and act on their own into society

Kyoto Sangyo University is a comprehensive university with 10 faculties and 18 departments in the humanities and sciences, with about 1 students studying on one campus […]

Kanazawa Institute of Technology - Maintaining the top employment rate with project design education as a pillar. Further refine practical skills as a member of the company through "co-op education"

With the latest employment rate of 99.9% (actual results for graduates in March 2023), Kanazawa Institute of Technology is consistently at the top of the university employment rate rankings. "oneself […]
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