Participating students found their own axis and management members gained great experience

In a questionnaire survey of the participating students, more than 8% of the students answered that their image of job hunting and working had changed.A major reason for this seems to be that he was able to sense his own standards through dialogue with companies.

One student responded in a questionnaire, saying, "I didn't think it had much to do with my department, but I was very interested in listening to the company, which is related to various aspects of my life."Another student replied, "I learned that local companies also have strengths, so I wanted to think about finding a job locally."Both are examples of discovering standards and values ​​that are different from what you had before.

In addition, there are many students who have realized the rewarding work, such as "I want to fundamentally review my way of thinking about work and engage in job hunting so that I can think of benefits other than myself." there were.Usually, in most cases, such realizations are obtained after job hunting begins.From that point of view, it can be said that the significance of holding the big game is great.

It also seems to have been a great experience for the students who are the management members.Mr. Ujiie (second-year engineering student) of the planning and management team said, "I think I was able to become a member of creating a community that connects students and companies, and I also enjoyed participating."Ms. Asada (2nd year, Faculty of Agriculture) of the Public Relations Strategy Team said, "It was my first time working on a big project. There were times when things didn't go well and I blamed myself for my powerlessness, but the management members supported me. On the contrary. I was able to make the most of my strengths and develop them. I think it was a very valuable experience."

The Great Job Talk was originally one of the initiatives within the next-generation human resource development program "ENGINE", which is conducted in cooperation with three universities: Shinshu University, University of Toyama, and Kanazawa University.In it, "cultivating human resources with independence and breakthrough power" is raised, and the members involved in the management of this big work will grow into such human resources. deaf.


Expectations for the future of the students involved in the big game

In today's seller's market, students are in a position to choose a company.Or, it is not uncommon to choose a path other than employment.However, if you don't have a set standard for yourself, you could end up throwing away your precious chance.And that standard is not something that can be created overnight, but is born from various experiences, such as how much you thought about your future as a student and how many adults you met working in companies and society.

Looking back at the event, 363 students met with various companies and heard various stories from the people working there.And behind it were the student members who created this event.We look forward to seeing how they will use what they have learned from this event in the future, and how they will apply it to their future student life, job hunting, and beyond.At the same time, I am very interested in how this great work, which will continue in the future, will take shape in the future.

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Shinshu University

Fostering human resources with abundant human and practical skills in local and global societies

Shinshu University is a wide-area campus-type general university with five campuses in Nagano Prefecture.It consists of eight faculties: humanities, pedagogy, economics, science, medicine, engineering, agriculture, and textiles, and conducts education and research to acquire a wide range of education and basic abilities.Utilizing common education across faculties and the regional characteristics of Shinshu, which is rich in nature […]

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