List of articles of Yokohama City University

Development and practical application research of fully automatic immunoassay for detecting new corona antibody, started by Yokohama City University

 Yokohama City University has developed a system that enables "quantitative" and "large-scale" measurement for the purpose of detecting new coronavirus antibodies [...]

Succeeded in producing an antibody that reacts only with the new coronavirus.

 Research groups such as Yokohama City University have succeeded in developing a monoclonal antibody that can specifically detect the new coronavirus antigen […].

Yokohama City University succeeds in detecting antiviral antibody contained in the serum of patients with new coronavirus infection

On March 2020, 03, the research group led by Professor Akihide Liang, Department of Microbiology, Yokohama City University School of Medicine, announced the ELISA method * 09 and Immunok […].

World's first tracking movement of gas molecules in hemoglobin at the atomic level

 Jichi Medical University, Yokohama City University, UK Resea […] said that he succeeded in directly observing how hemoglobin moves gas molecules within his own molecule.

Yokohama City University and others succeed in elucidating the interaction between cancer cells and nerves

 A research group led by Assistant Professor Hideaki Takahashi of Yokohama City University and Dr. Moran Amit of MD Anderson Cancer Center in the United States has been able to suppress cancer […]

Collaboration with Yokohama City University in the field of NEC data science

 Yokohama City University and NEC Corporation (NEC) are working to promote student education and social collaboration utilizing mutual knowledge in the field of data science […]

Successful promotion of optic nerve regeneration by suppressing protein phosphorylation, Waseda University, etc.

 Research groups at Waseda University, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, and Yokohama City University have found that regeneration of the optic nerve damaged by external force is CRMP […].

Yokohama City University reports the opening of the Graduate School of Data Science

 In April 2020, Yokohama City University notified the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology that it would establish a graduate school of data science.Teaching only the method in the classroom […]

Succeeded in developing a system for artificial intelligence to discriminate and evaluate promising sperm

 The research group of Professor Tomoki Hamagami of Yokohama National University Institute of Engineering is TESE (Testicul […]] performed by a testicular sperm extractor in the treatment of male infertility.

Yokohama City University Started a campaign to provide a self-test kit for Helicobacter pylori to new adults in Yokohama City

 A research group led by Assistant Professor Soichiro Sue of the Department of Gastroenterology, Yokohama City University Hospital has been working on prevention of Helicobacter pylori for young people […]
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