2021 14th gen members of the 444 Public-Private Collaborative Study Abroad Support Program (Tobitate! Study Abroad JAPAN Japan Representative Program) will be decided, and a send-off party will be held online on the 18th.Considering the global epidemic of the new coronavirus, the deadline for studying abroad has been extended from the end of March 2022 to the end of February 3.

The largest number of study abroad destinations is 190 in Europe, followed by 102 in North America and 97 in Asia.Other than that, there were 28 in Oceania, 13 in Africa, 9 in Latin America, and 5 in the Middle East.There are a total of 59 countries / regions where you can study abroad.

 The send-off party will be held online from noon on the 18th, and will be attended by support companies / organizations and officials from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.After the ceremony, a workshop for international students and an exchange meeting are scheduled.

 The deadline for studying abroad for 14th gen members has been extended by 2023 months, provided that all plans are completed by the end of March 3.Scholarships will also be provided to students studying in infectious disease risk information level 11 or 2 countries and regions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs if certain requirements are met.

reference:[Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology] 2021 Public-Private Collaboration Overseas Study Support System-Tobitate!Study Abroad JAPAN Japan Representative Program [College Student Course] -Selection Results for 14th Dispatched International Students, Send-off Party and Supporting Companies / Organizations

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