Professor Kazuo Miyamoto of the Faculty of Humanities, Kyushu University has been elected as an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.

 The American Academy of Arts and Sciences was founded in 1786 and is one of the oldest academic societies in the United States.Becoming a member of the Academy is considered the highest honor in the United States as a symbol of great influence in each era, and successive members include Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Schweizer, Winston Churchill and others. In a row.The Japanese elected as honorary members of foreigners include Akito Arima, the former president of the University of Tokyo, and Ryoji Noyori, the president of RIKEN.This time, 213 members were selected, including Barack Obama and actor Tom Hanks, and 36 foreign honorary members were elected.

 Professor Miyamoto specializes in East Asian archeology.I have conducted a comprehensive comparative study of the origin and propagation process of farming in East Asia, the origin and development of Bronze Age culture, and the process of state formation in various East Asian regions.In recent years, he has been conducting international joint project research on the formation of pastoral societies in the eastern Tibetan region and the grasslands of eastern Eurasia.

reference:[The American Academy of Arts & Sciences] One New Honor for 213 Exceptional Individuals: American Academy of Arts and Sciences Elects New Members

Kyushu University

A university that creates "comprehensive knowledge" that opens up the future and drives social change

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