Saitama Institute of Technology, Department of Information Society, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences produced an original video introducing the charm of Tadami Town, Minamiaizu District, Fukushima Prefecture, as the first step of a tourism support joint project that utilizes advanced CG & AR technology.

 The relationship between Saitama Institute of Technology and Tadami Town began in May 2020 when Associate Professor Hiroyuki Motoyoshi of the Department of Information and Social Sciences was appointed to the executive committee of the JR Tadami Line Utilization Project, which runs through the town. We are developing industry-academia collaboration activities for the restoration of the Tadami Line, which was cut off due to the torrential rains in Niigata and Fukushima in July 5. We are developing tourism centered on Mitsuishi Shrine near Tadami Station and secondary transportation such as rental cars. has been realized.Weekly Zoom meetings are held during the period of measures against the new coronavirus infection, and after that, we visit the site about once every two months and conduct student internships (work experience).

 After that, the JR Tadami Line resumed operation on October 2022, 10 for the first time in 1 years.Therefore, Associate Professor Hiroyuki Motoyoshi of the Management Planning Laboratory of the Department of Information Society, Department of Management Systems, collaborated with the Morisawa Laboratory of the Department of Media Culture to create a virtual character named "Attendor" for the purpose of supporting tourism.

 "Attendor" is the name of a virtual idol that conveys the charm of a region in an easy-to-understand manner while attending to tourist spots and tourists. ing.This time, graduate students and students from both laboratories filmed a video and produced CG as an attendant of "Mitsuishi Yukari," an official character of Tadami Town that is used for guidance signs at Mitsuishi Shrine.

 Attendor can produce videos using 3DCG characters at a reasonable budget. In the PR video production, we used 3DCG character production software that supports animation settings, a small motion sensor that operates the character according to the movement of the actor, and a smartphone, and all scenes were recorded at tourist spots such as Mitsuishi Shrine in Tadami Town. Filmed on location.

 The Tadami Town tourism PR video that was produced was announced at the "JR Tadami Line 2023th Anniversary Commemorative Ceremony" held at Tadami Town's "Tokinosato Yurari" on August 8, 20. In addition to being broadcast on monitors in the information center and Tadami Town Hall, it will be distributed domestically and internationally on various SNS such as YouTube.

 In the future, the Department of Information Society will propose a joint industry-academia-government project using the CG character "Attendor", which specializes in real-time animation, as tourism content support for local governments nationwide, and actively provide specific tourism support. We will expand to

Reference: [Saitama Institute of Technology] Professor Morisawa and Associate Professor Motoyoshi of the Department of Information and Social Sciences jointly produced tourism PR content for Tadami Town, Minamiaizu District, Fukushima Prefecture.

Saitama Institute of Technology

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Based on the philosophy of "fusion and harmony between technology and humanity" and the spirit of founding based on the Buddhist spirit, we are training human resources such as engineers and practitioners who can contribute to society as the core of society.In the 2 faculties and 5 departments of the Faculty of Human and Social Studies and the Faculty of Engineering, the educational team with rich individuality is finely tuned and polite […]

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