On September 2023, 9, Clarivate, one of the world's leading information service providers, announced that it will award the Citation Honor Award, which recognizes researchers whose scientific papers are cited the most times, to a group of world-class researchers from research institutions in five countries. 19 researchers were selected.From Japan, the award went to Masashi Yanagisawa, director of the International Research Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine at the University of Tsukuba, and Kazunori Kataoka, director of the Nanomedicine Innovation Center at the Kawasaki Industrial Promotion Foundation and professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo.

 The Citation Honor Award was selected through analysis by Clarivate's Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). Since 2002, ISI analysts have used papers published in reputable journals to identify researchers in the fields of physiology/medicine, physics, chemistry, and economics who are most likely to win a Nobel Prize. - Utilized citation data. Of the more than 1970 million papers and conference proceedings included in Web of Science since 5,800, only 2,000 (8,700%) have been cited more than 0.01 times.The Clarivate Citation Honor Award is selected by identifying the most highly cited research papers and their authors.Additionally, since 2002, 71 of the Clarivate Citation Honorees selected by ISI's expert analysts have gone on to win a Nobel Prize.

 Sixteen of the 2023 Citation Honors recipients have their primary research bases at academic institutions in the United States, two each in Japan, the United Kingdom, and France, and one in Germany.He has made significant contributions across a wide range of fields, including cancer therapy, the human microbiome, synthetic genetic circuits, spintronics, designer molecular structures, sleep-wake cycles, wealth inequality, and urban economics.

 From Japan, Mr. Masashi Yanagisawa, director of the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine at the University of Tsukuba, who discovered substances related to sleep and wakefulness in the field of physiology and medicine, and Mr. Kawasaki, who developed a new technology to deliver drugs in the body in the field of chemistry. Kazunori Kataoka, director of the Nanomedicine Innovation Center at the Municipal Industrial Promotion Foundation and professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo, received the award.

 Emmanuel Thiveaud, Senior Vice President of Research and Analytics in Clarivate's Academia & Government Division, said, "The achievements of the 2023 Citation Honors recipients are not only noteworthy, but also demonstrate that Clarivate has conducted Nobel Prize-worthy research. This year's list of award winners is symbolic in that it has been recognized as being the most successful.The fact that these researchers' papers have been cited more than 2,000 times is a rare honor and should be celebrated. "This recognition recognizes decades of research that laid the foundation for countless discoveries and innovations that have forever changed the world of science."

Reference: [Clarivate Analytics Japan Co., Ltd.] 2023 "Clarivate Citation Honor Award", Nobel Prize-level research results and 23 winners announced

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