A study by the University of Tsukuba confirmed that home care support clinics and hospitals play a more expected role in home medical care than general clinics, such as home visits and home care.

 Against the background of the aging of society and the promotion of community healthcare initiatives, home medical care is becoming more and more important in Japan.In 2006-2008, in-home medical care support clinics and hospitals (in-Chinese clinics and in-Chinese illnesses) were established in 2012-24, and in XNUMX, in order to further enhance home medical care, such as emergency home visits and end-of-life care at home when conditions suddenly change. In XNUMX, a function-enhancing type of Zai-shi-ken/Zai-shi was established.These facilities are equipped with a XNUMX-hour contact system and home visit system.

 On the other hand, there are quite a few home-based patients who use general clinics, and it was not clear to what extent medical institutions that actually provide home-based care play a role.In this study, for the first time so far, we conducted a direct comparison of three types of medical institutions: general clinics, resident clinics and resident hospitals, and function-enhancing resident clinics and resident hospitals.

 Based on medical receipt data from all over the country on the database of information on medical receipts and specific medical examinations (NDB), the home medical services that elderly people aged 65 and over receive ((XNUMX) home visit, (XNUMX) hospitalization, (XNUMX) home care, depending on the type of medical institution they use. end-of-life care) were analyzed.

 As a result, (XNUMX) home visits were significantly more frequent among patients who used resident medical examinations and resident illnesses compared to patients who used general clinics, and among them, patients who used function-enhanced resident medical examinations and resident illnesses were significantly more frequent. was more (XNUMX) Hospitalization was significantly lower for patients who used Zai-Shiken/Zai-Shiho compared to those who used general clinics. (XNUMX) With regard to home nursing care, there were more patients who used medical check-ups and illnesses than those who used general clinics, especially those who used function-enhancing medical care and illnesses. .

 From this study, it was found that resident clinics and resident hospitals provide more home visits than general clinics, avoid hospitalization for patients, and perform more home care, thereby fulfilling the expected role in home medical care. was suggested.Demand for home medical care is expected to increase in the future, and it is hoped that efforts will be made to further promote the expansion of medical examinations and illnesses in Japan.

Paper information:[Journal of the American Geriatrics Society] association between types of home healthcare and emergency house calls, hospitalization, and end-of-life care in Japan

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