In 2014, the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Tokyo and the Benesse Educational Research Institute launched a joint research project to clarify the reality of children's lives and learning. We have conducted multiple surveys over the nine years since 1 targeting approximately 3 groups (approximately 21,000 pairs), and have clarified changes in the awareness and behavior of parents and children in the 2015th grade.As part of this project, we have published the results of the 9 Survey on Children's ICT Use.

 The 2023 Survey on Children's ICT Usage was conducted (February-March 4) targeting 3 monitors from fourth-year elementary school students to third-year high school students. The realization of the GIGA School Initiative has led to the spread of one device per student in schools, and many children are using ICT devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones outside of school, and children are also becoming younger.Under these circumstances, we conducted a survey with the aim of understanding children's awareness and actual situation regarding the use of ICT devices and thinking about better ways to use ICT.

 According to the survey, about 3% of respondents said they use ICT devices at school "5 days a week (almost every day)" and about 2% said they use ICT devices "3 to 4 days a week."It was used more frequently by 4th to 6th grade elementary school students, and less frequently by high school students.

 The most common method of use was ``search learning'' (87.1%). More than 6% also engaged in collaborative learning activities such as ``collecting and presenting ideas'' and ``sharing ideas with friends.'' There were also differences in usage depending on the school level, with ``solving practice problems'' being more common among elementary school students and ``memorizing'' being more common among high school students.

 Looking at their awareness of usage, approximately 8% answered that ``classes that use ICT devices are fun'' and approximately 6% responded that ``I would like to see more classes that use ICT devices'' (strongly agree + moderately agree), indicating positive opinions. Remarkable.Additionally, children who receive guidance from their teachers on ``how to use ICT devices,'' ``how to collect and research information,'' and ``rules and etiquette,'' are more likely to experience the effects of using ICT devices and enrich their learning. It was also found that the involvement of teachers is important in ensuring that students are able to do so.

 On the other hand, more than half of the respondents answered that their eyes are tired, that they have trouble connecting to the Internet, and that they are worried about damaging their ICT equipment.Additionally, 3% to 4% of respondents answered, ``I don't think deeply enough to solve problems anymore'' and ``I can't concentrate because I'm worried about things other than studying,'' so it is important to pay attention to whether they are using the system effectively.Many of these problems and anxieties are not as strong as the children who use the devices more frequently, and they exist regardless of whether they are using the devices or not.However, children who use the service less frequently are more likely to feel that ``sometimes I don't know how to use it'' and ``entering text is a pain'', and there are some problems and concerns that can be resolved by getting used to using it.

 The project will continue to monitor children's usage of ICT devices and propose ways to better use them and provide more effective instruction and teaching materials.

Reference: [Benesse Holdings Co., Ltd.] The University of Tokyo Institute of Social Science and Benesse Educational Research Institute joint research project “Survey on Children's ICT Use 2023” results preliminary report Approximately 8% of elementary to high school students said, ``I enjoy classes that use ICT devices.'' ” (PDF)

Tokyo University

Established in the 10th year of the Meiji era.A university with the longest history in Japan and at the forefront of Japanese knowledge

The University of Tokyo was established in 1877 (Meiji 10) by integrating the Tokyo Kaisei School and the Tokyo Medical School.Since its establishment, it has developed education and research in a unique way in the world as a leading university in Japan and an academic center for the fusion of East and West cultures.As a result, many human resources have been produced in a wide range of fields, and many research achievements […]

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