Toru Kyan, assistant professor at Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine (at the time of research, Kobe University Graduate School of Human Development and Environment), Ryukyu This was discovered by research by Professor Minoru Takakura of the university's medical department.
According to Kobe University, Assistant Professor Kyan and his colleagues used data from the 2019/2021 National Sports Life Survey for Children and Youth conducted by the Sasakawa Sports Foundation. We analyzed the sports environment and health behavior, such as after-school and holiday exercise, sports participation, sleep time, and defecation frequency.
As a result, in 2019, before the COVID-2021 crisis, there was no difference in youth physical activity by income, but in XNUMX, when the COVID-XNUMX pandemic began, children from lower-income households had lower participation rates in physical activity. A trend was seen.Conversely, the opposite trend was observed in the intake of breakfast.
It has become clear that the health behavior of adolescents is worsening worldwide due to the corona disaster.National surveys in Japan also show a significant decrease in the amount of physical activity and a deterioration in health behavior.Furthermore, it has been pointed out that the corona crisis will widen household income disparities and exacerbate health disparities.
The government has been promoting physical activity to correct health disparities even before the coronavirus pandemic, but assistant professor Kyan and others need to continue monitoring and surveying whether such activities can contribute to correcting the disparities created by the coronavirus pandemic. It is said that there is.