The Future Network of International Universities (CoIN), which includes Josai International University, Kansai International University, Kyushu International University, and Sapporo International University, is holding a tourism business idea contest with the theme of regional development and value creation in tourism business. It will be held on Monday, December 2023, 12, and the event will be streamed on YouTube.

 The "Future Network of International Universities (CoIN)" includes Kansai International University, Kyushu International University, Sapporo International University, and Josai International University, and realizes an educational and research environment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in mind. An international organization for

 The tourism business idea contest sponsored by CoIN focuses on the fact that all member universities have a "tourism department" or "course," and creates a place for students to collaborate, bring their learning results, compete together, and learn from each other. It is intended to.After the COVID-XNUMX pandemic, the tourism industry is required to embrace a new normal and sustainability of tourism, its revitalization and revitalization, and the strengthening and specialization of the local tourism industry that supports this. Based on the scope of the Future Network's SDGs, this event will be held as an industry-government-academia x regional collaboration event.

 The theme of this year's contest is "The role of international universities in coexistence with the local community: Creating value for tourism business in regional development."Aiming to practice sustainable business and create a new tourism industry, students from member universities compete to come up with business ideas that leverage their knowledge and local characteristics.

 The tourism business idea contest can be viewed on YouTube.Those wishing to watch online must apply by December 12st.

Reference: [Josai International University] [Information] 12/4 Tourism Business Idea Contest will be held

Sapporo International University
Josai International University

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Kansai International University
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