"Medical Student Simlympic Osaka 3" (sponsored by the Japan Medical Education Society) was held at Osaka Medical University on July 2016, 2016, where three university medical students from all over the country competed for the results of clinical training. Won the first overall victory and was commended by the academic society.

 The "Medical Student Simlympics" is a competition held for the purpose of understanding and disseminating simulation education and establishing a system for objectively evaluating the clinical abilities of medical students.It has been held once a year since 2014 as a satellite project of the Japan Society for Medical Education, and a team of 1th and 5th grade medical students who belong to the same university goes around 6 stations and tackles issues within the time limit of 8 minutes. Compete for results.

 This year, 16 teams from all over the country competed for clinical ability to identify diseases and perform appropriate treatment through simulators (physical examination, emergency resuscitation, basic procedures) and interaction with simulated patients.The Ryukyu University team won second place last year as well, but this time they won first place in the three categories of "abdominal medical care," "renal and urinary medical care," and "emergency patient support," and won the overall championship. ..

University of the Ryukyus

Acquire specialized knowledge and skills through a variety of learning. Established 7 faculties, 9 departments, and 7 centers

It is the only national university in Okinawa prefecture and is the southernmost and westernmost university in Japan.We will ensure the quality of education and develop human resources who can play an active role and contribute to the world by utilizing advanced expertise and problem-seeking ability based on a wide range of education.Fostering wisdom and setting an example for society by fully drawing out diverse personalities and talents and opening up a new era […]

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