List of articles from overseas universities

Comprehensive security survey of LiDAR sensors for autonomous driving conducted by Keio University and others

 A research group led by Kentaro Yoshioka, a full-time lecturer at Keio University, is collaborating with the University of California, Irvine, to discover the power of sensors for autonomous driving […]

Meiji University and others analyze the long-term effects of weakening the gender division of labor in gender equality education

 Professor Hiromi Hara of Meiji University and Professor Nuria Rodríguez-Planas of the City University of New York believe that the co-educationalization of "technical and household education" will become more important as adults [...]

Shenzhen University's Tokyo campus in Shenzhen, China's "Silicon Valley" has been designated as a "Japanese campus of foreign universities"

 The Japanese branch of Shenzhen University in China has been officially designated as a Japanese branch of a foreign university by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. According to the designation, graduates will be enrolled at a Japanese university […]

There is a noticeable gender gap in Japan's academic world, as revealed by Kobe University and others

 The gender disparity in the academic world in Japan is large and unique compared to China and South Korea, as reported by Kobe University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and the State University of New York.

Fault cliff off the coast of Miyagi prefecture, Niigata University, etc. discovered by ultra-deep sea manned submersible during the Great East Japan Earthquake

 An international research group consisting of Niigata University, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, the University of Western Australia, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, and the Danish Ultra Deep Sea Research Center […]

Japan Women's University signs interuniversity agreement with Tamkang University in Taiwan for student exchange

 Japan Women's University has signed an interuniversity agreement regarding student exchange with Tamkang University, the oldest private comprehensive university in Taiwan. Japan Women's University, Faculty of Home Economics […]

2023 people selected as Nice Step Researchers 10, including Assistant Professor Kokawa of the University of Tsukuba

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's National Institute for Science and Technology Policy has selected the University of Tsukuba's Department of Life and Environmental Sciences as the Nice Step Researcher 2023, an award given to researchers with outstanding recent achievements.

Extending lifespan through dietary restrictions is effective when young, and the effect decreases with age.

 An international joint research group including RIKEN and the University of Tokyo has found that simply restricting the intake of methionine, a type of amino acid, at a young age can extend lifespan […]

Chinese Academy of Sciences tops the list of highly cited authors for the first time in Clarivate survey

 The number of highly cited researchers who have written multiple papers in the past 1 years that have been cited in the top 10% by other papers is the first in the U.S. to be ranked by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Humpback whales conserve energy and eat while fishing around fishing boats Kobe University, etc.

 Kobe University, Teikyo University of Science, Norwegian Institute of Marine Research, University of St. Andrews, Zoological Society of London, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute of the University of Tokyo, etc. […]
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