Tohoku University and the Co-op Tohoku Sunnet Business Association (Co-op Tohoku) have signed an agreement on food bank projects aimed at supporting orphanages, the Council of Social Welfare, and reconstruction support groups.

 The food bank business is to provide free food that is unavoidably disposed of because the expiration date is approaching, although there is no problem with quality.Provide food to orphanages, social welfare councils, reconstruction support groups, etc. within the expiration date.

 Tohoku University prepares disaster supplies such as alpha rice and kanpan in case of a disaster.When the disaster stockpile reached the expiration date, it was effectively utilized, but it was disposed of.This time, as part of Tohoku University's social responsibility, we have signed an agreement on food bank business with Corp Tohoku and will cooperate.

 Tohoku University plans to support the food bank business by setting a reference date about twice a year, collecting disaster supplies that are about to expire on campus, and providing them to Coop Tohoku. It is supposed to be.

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