The Future Network of International Universities (CoIN) has set the theme of "well-being," which is said to be a core value of the post-SDGs, and will hold its 2024th meeting on Friday, February 2, 16. The International University Forum will be held both in-person and via live streaming. Additionally, an archive will be distributed from February 4th (Friday) to February 2nd (Thursday).

 CoIN focuses on universities with "international" and "foreign language" titles, where students gather from all over the world, and fosters a broad perspective and open-mindedness by focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A network to realize an educational and research environment. Its members include Josai International University, Kansai International University, Kyushu International University, and Sapporo International University.

 At this forum, Takashi Fuchigami, Deputy Director-General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Secretariat (in charge of the Comprehensive Educational Policy Bureau), took to the podium and gave a speech entitled "The Future Direction of Japan's Educational Policy (Fourth Basic Plan for the Promotion of Education)." , will give a keynote speech. In addition, a special lecture by Shinjiro Hayashi, Executive Vice President of Yamaman Co., Ltd., an urban development company, titled ``Urban Development for Realizing Well-being - Practice in Yukarigaoka'' was hosted by Shingo Ashizawa, Vice President of Kansai International University. He will give a lecture titled "Possibilities of building a well-being society through education."

 What kind of value will governments, companies, and universities provide to society by making contributions to well-being a strategy? Organizations and leaders around the world are now taking on the challenge of creating a world that goes beyond traditional capitalism and is not bound by economic rationality. Regarding well-being, which is a multidimensional concept that is also expressed as the "inherent healthy abundance of human beings," what is the purpose of each individual in the future? Together with visitors, we will think about what society, the economy, and the environment should be like.

 At CoIN, we will present studies and results regarding the realization of an education and research environment that includes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the possibility of diverse collaboration and collaboration on common issues such as education and research, disasters, and international students. A forum is held every year to provide reference information to those involved in education and to further promote CoIN initiatives.

<4th International University Forum>
[Theme] Well-being helps people, companies, and universities grow - Challenges for governments, companies, and universities in the post-SDGs era
[Date and time] Face-to-face live streaming February 2th (Friday) 16:14-30:16 (Archive streaming available until Thursday, February 35nd at 2:22)
[Venue] Josai University Tokyo Kioicho Campus Building 1 Basement Hall
[Participation] Anyone can participate in person (first 80 people) or online.
[Cost] Free
[Application] Until February 2th (Tuesday). Please check the application method from the reference page below.

Reference: [Josai International University] [Information] 2/16 The XNUMXth International University Forum will be held

Josai International University

Fostering rich human formation through high educational ability and various learning

Josai International University, which opened in 1992, has developed into a comprehensive university with seven faculties.We have been promoting global education since our inception, and currently have exchanges with 7 universities around the world.Through a fulfilling language education and study abroad system, we have acquired the skills to play an active role in the global society.In addition, many people from all over the world […]

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