For the first time in 2023, Kio University's Department of Nursing and Medical Sciences held a sex education seminar for high school students as part of the ``maternity nursing training'' that third-year students learn.

 The seminar was held for second-year students at Nara Prefectural Sakurai High School. On that day, I hope that university students and high school students will have an opportunity to think about the importance of valuing their own bodies as well as valuing the bodies of others, as well as having sexual connections with them. , discussed the topic of ``sexuality'' through skits and power points. At the end, the participants were divided into groups and had the opportunity to experience how to use contraceptives to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

 High school students who attended the seminar said, ``It was very helpful because I was able to openly listen to embarrassing topics,'' and ``There were a lot of words I didn't know, but they kept repeating important things over and over again.'' Comments such as, ``I understood it well,'' ``I was embarrassed, but it was an important and good opportunity,'' and ``The importance of life was conveyed to me. I want to take more responsibility.'' Also, ``It was easy to understand because I was able to hear directly from students who are currently studying,'' ``I felt close to them because they were close to my age,'' and ``I was happy to be taught by someone close to my age.'' It seems that some high school students took this as something more familiar to them because they had heard it from university students close to their age, such as ``I wanted to become a nurse even more after seeing the nursing staff at the university.''

 In the maternity nursing field at Kio University, a project team called ``Sexology Project'' will be launched in the spring, with university students playing a central role in conveying correct knowledge about sex to high school students. There are high hopes for sex education based on young ideas from university students who are close in age to high school students.

Reference: [Kio University] A “sex education seminar” planned with nursing students was held at a high school! ~Department of Nursing and Medical Care “Maternity Nursing Practice”

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