On August 2021, 8, Aiji Tanaka, Chairman of the Japan Private University Federation (President of Waseda University), attended the Educational Science Subcommittee of the LDP held in Tokyo to meet the request for a rough estimate of the government budget and the request for tax reform in 24. , "Budget / tax system" such as expansion of subsidies for ordinary expenses at private universities, and "Higher education policy" such as advancing the implementation time of the university entrance test by one month (around December) Stated.

 According to Private Dalian, Chairman Tanaka submitted a document entitled "Requests from Private Dalian" to the Liberal Democratic Party's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Subcommittee. "Budget / tax system" includes expansion of subsidies for ordinary expenses such as private universities, support for budgets such as DX, permanent support for middle class (up to 841 million yen for salaried employees), and recurrent education. We requested an increase in income deductions such as attendance costs for working adults.

 "Higher education policy" includes reviewing university establishment standards such as removing the upper limit of the number of credits (60 credits) for online classes related to graduation requirements, strengthening support for individual research at private universities, and a common test for university admission. We are requesting that the implementation time be one month ahead of schedule.

 Regarding the advancement of the common test for university admission, various qualities and abilities are required to be evaluated, and in the current "common test for university admission" schedule, individual academic ability tests (general selection) using the test will be conducted. He complained that it was virtually impossible.

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of the LDP also attended the Japan Private University Association, the Japan Private University Junior College Association, the Japan Private Junior and Senior High School Association, the Japan Private Elementary School Association, and the All Japan Kindergarten Association, and stated their opinions.

 The budget request for the 2022 government budget is 5.9 trillion yen for the Ministry of Education, 6.9 trillion yen for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and 33.9 trillion yen for the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.Underwater negotiations will begin in earnest toward the decision of the LDP Tax Commission at the end of the year.

reference:[Japan Association of Private Universities] Chairman Tanaka at the Liberal Democratic Party's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Liberal Democratic Party) announced his opinion on the "Government budget for the XNUMXth year of Reiwa"

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