In the "Vegetable-rich (sports support) balanced nutrition recipe" category of the "Tokai Regional Industry-Government-Academia Collaborative Food Education Recipe Contest" held in June 2017, the men's pair from the Faculty of Applied Biology, Chubu University received the highest award.

 The "Tokai Regional Industry-Government-Academia Collaborative Food Education Recipe Contest" is a recipe contest sponsored by the Asahi Shimbun to encourage university students to think of a nutritionally balanced diet centered on vegetables.This time, in the "Vegetables (Sports Support) Balanced Nutrition Recipe" category, a pair of Reo Kojima and Shunsuke Miyabe, a second-year student in the Department of Management and Nutrition, Faculty of Applied Biology, Chubu University, won the highest award.

 We want sports players to eat the award-winning recipes before the match!With the wish, "fresh jelly apt (winning) assorted vegetable bowl" with simple ingredients and processes to make it easy for students to make.Place cabbage, onions, shiitake mushrooms, salt and pepper, and pork seasoned with honmirin on top of rice, and worcestershire sauce, mustard, sesame oil, and honey. I combined the dressing made in.

 By soaking it in soup stock and softening it, you can get a lot of vegetables, and by making the nutrients and umami of the vegetables contained in the soup stock into jelly, you can use it without waste.The point is that pork, which is rich in vitamins B1 and B2 that promotes recovery from fatigue and activation of the brain, is combined with onions and yuzu that support its function, and it is refreshing to eat even though it has a solid feeling.Uny Co., Ltd., which was judged, praised the delicate and bold menu for the desire to support people who are doing their best in sports.

 In the future, this "fresh jelly gachi (winning) vegetable bowl" will be commercialized and will be sold at Apita in the Tokai region.In addition, the "Fresh salsa sauce bowl with plenty of pork rolls and perilla" by Mr. Motoki Yamakoshi and Mr. Chika Osawa, who are in the third grade, was selected as a special jury prize.

Chubu University
Chubu University

A comprehensive university where 8 faculties and 27 departments gather on one campus to cultivate true abilities that can be used in the real world.

About 1 people study on one campus.Facilities that respond to curiosity, laboratories that receive research requests from society, and professors who are highly evaluated in each field stimulate your creativity. It is a university where you can do what you want to do and become the person you want to be. […]

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