Teikyo University exhibited at the 24th Library Exhibition. During the exhibition period until November 11 (Wednesday), students will take the lead in disseminating the activities of their own "co-reading library" online.In addition, the Hachioji Campus Media Library Center will be open to the public as a satellite venue.We will hold a visit-type event planned and operated by students, where people can connect with each other through books.

 "Co-reading library" is a reading promotion project jointly started by Teikyo University and Seigo Matsuoka. Starting from April 2012, the "MONDO Program" started with the "Blackboard Bookshelf," where people and books can communicate with each other, followed by the "MONDO Program," in which comedian Naoki Matayoshi and others answer students' concerns with books and comments. We are conducting unique activities to induce the reading ability of university students who do not usually read books, such as "co-reading supporters" that students are active as, and to acquire the basic skills of bachelors and working adults.At the General Library Exhibition, these activities are introduced by Co-Reading Supporters online and through events at the Media Library Center.

 11月12日(土)の「全国大学ビブリオバトル 関東Bブロック地区決戦」を皮切りに、11月25日(金)18:30~20:00に共読サポーターズがパーソナリティとなって共読の活動について語るYouTubeラジオ「共読Radio」(オンライン開催)、11月26日(土)13:00~14:30には帝京大学の卒業生、絵本作家の中垣ゆたかさんによるワークショップ「きせかえフレームをつくろう!」(来場型・定員50名)をメディアライブラリーセンターで開催する。

 Co-reading supporters will also hold a tour of the facility, and the face-to-face type will be held on Saturday, November 11th, and the online Zoom will be held on Friday, November 26th and Monday, November 11th.

Reference: [Teikyo University] Teikyo University's co-reading library, which aims to create a system for reading throughout the university, will exhibit at the "Library Exhibition" 

Teikyo University

Bring out the talents of each person and open up the future of "your own style"

A comprehensive university with 5 departments (including communications) in 10 faculties of humanities, science and engineering, and medicine on 33 campuses (Itabashi, Hachioji, Utsunomiya, Fukuoka, Kasumigaseki) and a wide range of fields.Teikyo University provides an environment where each student can develop their talents and find their own future.Acquire logical thinking through practice […]

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