A research group from Osaka University Graduate School and Hamamatsu University School of Medicine found that long-term digital viewing during early childhood has a weak effect on subsequent neurodevelopment (communication function and daily life function), but that effect can be reduced by sufficient outdoor play. revealed that there is a possibility that

 In addition to TV and DVD, the average digital viewing time per day for watching smartphones and tablets is called “screen time (ST)”.It has been pointed out that a long ST in infants may have an undesirable effect on subsequent development of language function, social/interpersonal function (sociality), and motor function, as well as a decline in academic performance.However, some studies denied the effects of ST, leaving unresolved issues in understanding and responding to ST problems.

 This time, the subjects were 885 children. Analyzes were conducted using data on "number of days spent outdoors per week" over an eight-month period.

 As a result, 2-year-old ST degrades 4-year-old's "communication function" and "daily life function", but the extent of the effect is limited. We also found that 2-year-old ST had no clear effect on 3-year-old 'social functioning'.

 The research group believes that the results of this study are sufficient data to review the argument that ``it is necessary to shorten the ST of children, and for that reason parents should stop ``smartphone childcare.''He points out that there is a need for society as a whole to think about how to control children's screen time, and to deepen intervention methods such as outdoor play to reduce its impact.

Paper information:[JAMA Pediatrics] Outdoor play as a mitigating factor in the association between screen time for young children and neurodevelopmental outcomes

Osaka University

The "true value" of each person becomes the "evolution" of Osaka University.To a university that lives in the community and extends to the world

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Hamamatsu Medical University

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