The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) conducted a survey on the selection method for the 2021 university entrance examination of all universities and junior colleges in Japan in order to grasp the current state of the university entrance examination reform proposed by the "Study Group on Ideal University Entrance Examinations" in July 7. .

 The survey was conducted by Libertas Consulting, a consulting company commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Entrance Examination Division. obtained and tallied.

 According to the results, 43.3% of applicants were selected by general selection, 26.9% by school recommendation type, and 16.8% by comprehensive type.Looking at the percentages of the three types of selection, general selection that excludes selection for returning students and selection for working adults, general selection, and school recommendation type selection, the percentage of comprehensive selection (AO entrance examination) has increased since the previous survey in 3. there is

 Regarding the actual use of the common university entrance test for general selection, 94.8% of national universities, 96.8% of public universities, and 45.6% of private universities used grades to determine pass/fail.The number of subjects used was 7 subjects at national universities, and 2 or 3 subjects at private universities.Of the selection categories that use standardized tests, 36.5% said mathematics was a compulsory subject and 59.0% said it was an elective subject.For national language
45.5% said it was a compulsory subject and 45.1% said it was an elective subject.

 24.3% of the general selection, 26.0% of the school recommendation type selection, and 33.9% of the comprehensive type selection used English qualification tests and certification tests.For general selection, 47.4% of national universities convert points into standardized tests (no exemption), 33.3% of public universities add points to individual achievement tests, and 27.9% of private universities convert points into individual achievement tests (exemptions apply). was the most common in

 99.9% of national and public universities and 40.2% of private universities used descriptive questions in individual academic tests (not including short essays, interviews, discussions, practical skills tests, etc.).

reference:[Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology] Survey and research on grasping and analyzing the actual situation of university admission selection (PDF)

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