Kinki University signed a comprehensive partnership agreement with NHK Osaka Broadcasting Station.We will strengthen cooperation in a wide range of areas, including education and human resource development aimed at resolving social issues and regional revitalization, raising awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation, and promoting research activities. NHK Osaka Broadcasting Station will be the third university to conclude a comprehensive partnership agreement with a university, following Osaka Public University and Ritsumeikan University.

 According to Kinki University, Kinki University President Yoshihiko Hosoi and NHK Osaka Broadcasting Station Director Rie Hayashi attended the signing ceremony of the comprehensive partnership agreement held at Kinki University in Higashiosaka City, Osaka Prefecture, and signed the agreement. .

 In addition to NHK reporters giving lectures at Kinki University on the experiences they have gained from their reporting activities, Kinki University students, faculty and staff members will be able to make full use of NHK's information and networks, and promote education and research. While working to develop human resources, Kinki University's knowledge in a wide range of fields, from medicine to art, will be utilized in NHK program production to build a social infrastructure for information. We are also considering holding disaster prevention and mitigation events using NHK video content.

reference:[Kinki University] Kinki University and Japan Broadcasting Corporation Osaka Broadcasting Station Conclude Comprehensive Partnership Agreement Aiming to revitalize the local community by leveraging the broad knowledge of both parties

Kindai University

Master true "practical science" at Japan's largest comprehensive university.Flowering various talents

Kinki University has established the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and the Faculty of Correspondence Education, and practices "practical education" in all faculties.By promoting many industry-academia collaboration projects and combining cross-disciplinary expertise and skills, faculty members and students are united to acquire the knowledge and skills to solve various contemporary issues. 2 […]

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